The winner of the 2017 John D Bell Book Prize is Adelina Anguševa, Margaret Dimitrova, Maria Jovčeva, Maja Petrova-Taneva, and Diljana Radoslavova, eds. Vis et sapient: Studia in honorem Anisavae Miltenova. Novi izvori, interpretacii i podxodi v medievistikata. Sofia: BAN 2016.
The award committee writes in argument of their choice: “This 800-page volume in honor of Professor Anisava Miltenova’s prominent career in medieval Bulgarian literature and textology is a cornucopia of major papers by an international line-up of eminent specialists in Old Church Slavonic and medieval Bulgarian linguistics, manuscript studies, and ecclesiastical texts. The consistently outstanding quality of the papers places the volume on a level significantly above that of the typical Festschrift. The new discoveries and penetrating analyses make a major and lasting contribution to the field of Bulgarian studies. This volume will be a resource for Bulgarists, Slavists, medievalists, Byzantinists, linguists, and textologists for generations to come.”