Call for Papers:
12th Joint Conference of Bulgarian and North American Scholars
“Living Bridges Across Time”
Sofia, June 15-17, 2024
The conference is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the USA and Bulgaria, which took place in 2023.
For more than forty years the tradition of Bulgarian-North American academic dialog has been carried on by the Council for Bulgarian Studies Abroad at the Bulgarian Academy of Science (CBSA-BAS) and the Bulgarian Studies Association (BSA). The first joint conference was held in 1973 in Madison, WI, followed by conferences in Varna (1978), Boston (1982), Smoljan (1987), Pittsburgh (1994), Blagoevgrad (1999), Columbus, OH (2003), Varna (2008), Eugene, OR (2012), Sofia (2016), and Washington DC (2022).
The topic of the 2024 conference, “Living Bridges Across Time”, invites various interpretations of “bridges” (disciplinary, historical, cultural, national, etc.) for interaction, transition, and transformation. The conference takes place with the cooperation of the Institute of Balkan Studies with the Center for Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The conference will take place June 15-17, in the hall of the Institute for Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, building 17, Shipchenski Prohod Blvd, 52, where all technical means are provided for both personal and online presentation of the reports. The working language of the conference is English.
The members North American delegation will be provided with room and breakfast at the BAS hotel (House of Scientists) at the expense of the host country. The North American delegation can include any BSA members in good standing who do not reside in Bulgaria.
To apply, please submit an abstract (150-200 words) and a short CV by March 15, 2024 to Dr. Dilyana Ivanova Zieske (divanova@fieldmuseum.org), (for the North American delegation), Prof. Dr. Anissava Miltenova (amiltenova@gmail.com) and Slaveya Nedelcheva (slaveya@gmail.com) (for the Bulgarian delegation). Participation will be confirmed by April 15, 2024.
We are looking forward to receiving your submission!